5 Easy Ways For Backsplash Tile Maintenance

Backsplash isn’t just use for protecting the wall from the splashes of water and other fluids. It is also meant for adding an interesting appeal to a wall pattern. But what if the backsplash itself loses its shine and draw? 

In this blog, we have suggest 5 easy ways to help you maintain backsplash tiles in your kitchen and bathroom –
  1. Make a mixture of white vinegar and hot water (if you are using 1 cup vinegar, use 1 cup water then). 
  2. Wet a clean towel in this mixture and wipe the backsplash. 
  3. Rub more over the grout lines because this is the region that catches most stains. Use small brush to clean grout lines. 
  4. If stains and dirt on grout lines are not going, apply the paste (made of baking soda and water) over the lines. Let it be there for few minutes and rub with a small toothbrush. Then, rinse properly rubbing with soft microfiber cloth. 
  5. Dry the backsplash completely with the help of a clean dry cloth. Doing so will help you avoid stains caused by water. 
Looking for backsplash tiles? Check out ShadesOfStone.com’s wide range of tiles that can be used for backsplash! Call 855-984-1870 for more info!
