How to Reapply Loose Vinyl Tiles

Vinyl tiles are an easy to use flooring solution. Apart from enabling quick makeover and easy maintenance, these tiles bless your home with the design and appeal you desire. 

With vinyl, you have two flooring options – sheets and tiles. When you use tiles, there are rare possibilities of tiles losing their grip from the subfloor. However, even if it a rarity, we have to give you a solution. So here it is.

This is how to reapply loose vinyl tiles –
  • Your first priority should be to protect the adjoining tiles. So, apply tape on the tiles next to the tile you are going to work on.
  • Now you have to remove the old tile adhesive. Use a putty knife for this.
  • Make sure that you remove all adhesive and have a completely level space on the subfloor. This will help you achieve flawless installation.
  • If the adhesive is hard to remove, heat it up a bit with the help of your hair dryer. This will ease your job to a greater extent.
  • Brush the subfloor. Collect all the debris from the open space.
  • Apply an even layer of vinyl tile adhesive on the subfloor.
  • And now apply the tile back into its position.
Place a flat board or run a roller covering the newly laid tile to help it adjust with rest of the tiles and subfloor. Wait for the adhesive to dry before walking on the again.

If you need luxury vinyl tiles for your home interior, consider, one of the trusted tile suppliers in US.
