Tips to Remove Pet Urine Stain Off Tiles and Grout

Pets are innocent. You have train them hard to help you keep your home clean. But again, they are pet – like a member of family. If there are urine stains on your tiles and grout lines, this blog will help you remove it easily without you having to upset on your beloved pet. Check out the following subheadings and pointers –

Remove Mild Stains with Mild Detergent

  • Use mild cleaners first. Mild cleansers include dish wash detergent and liquid soap. Prepare a mixture involving equal quantities of hot water and detergent.
  • Wear a pair of rubber gloves and apply the solution over the stains on tiles and grout.
  • Rub it with dish wash sponge or scrubbing pad (not the one with steel wires).
  • Take more solution as required.
  • This should remove fresh stains.

Baking Soda Makes Stain Removal A Cake Walk

If the solution above doesn’t work, that means the stain is old and rigid. You will need to follow a different approach for stain removal.

  • Take baking soda and hot water in a spray bottle.
  • Shake the bottle well in order to mix both the ingredients.
  • Now, spray the solution over the stains.
  • Allow it to rest there for about 20 minutes. Spray the solution twice or thrice during this period.
  • Now, take the solution on a cleaning brush (the one with soft nylon bristles) and rub the stains.
  • Take the solution as needed while rubbing.
  • Now wash and rinse the tile and grout lines.
  • And the stains are gone.

This blog has been brought to by, one of the trusted stone and tile stores in US.
