7 Tips for Shining Up Vinyl Tile Flooring

Characteristically, vinyl tiles do not lose their color and shine. However, they can – in some instances – when they are not cleaned (vacuumed and mopped) for long time.

If you are vinyl tile flooring has lost its shine and color, this blog will guide you on how to restore its look –
  1. Remove furniture and appliances from the floor.
  2. Remove dust from the floor surface. Use vacuum cleaner for this.
  3. Now, clean the floor with hot water and mild liquid detergent.
  4. Once done, it is time to use another mop and cold water to wipe the floor. This will remove strokes and traces of detergent from the floor.
  5. DO NOT wash your vinyl tile floor. It is because water can affect the bonding of vinyl tiles on subfloor.
  6. Let the floor dry.
  7. Now, apply wax free polish or sealant labeled suitable for your vinyl tiles. For this, you might want to discuss the type of vinyl tile you have with the supplier.
Go with the instructions of polish application given on the sealant or polish. If there are some discolored areas on your vinyl tile flooring, then you can consider using spray polish to ease you day.

Looking to buy luxury vinyl tiles? Consider ShadesOfStone.com, one of the trusted tile suppliers in US.
