3 Stones You Can Consider For Your Bathroom Remodeling Project

The biggest advantage of choosing natural stone tiles is that, they add strength and value to your home. They are naturally strong and beautiful, and can withstand years and decades if taken right care of.

If you are consider bathroom remodel, here are 3 most popular natural stone options you can go with –

Marble –

Marble is the most popular natural stone. Marble has been a part in our lives since centuries. You can bring the beautiful and elegance marble is known for into your bathroom.

It is available in a wide range of colors and shades to choose from. Since it is expensive, porous, delicate, and soft, you will need to ensure right care and maintenance – which will involve regular cleaning and timely sealing.

Granite –

Granite is known for its granular texture. The patterns on each granite tile you see are unique. So, when you decide that you are going to use granite in your bathroom, you give your bathroom a completely unique design.

Although it is not as porous as marble, it will require adequate cleaning and timely sealing to maintain its look and other characteristics.

Travertine –

Travertine brings a rustic appeal to your bathroom. Travertine is so versatile and durable that is can also be used in outdoors and semi outdoor projects.

It should also be cleaned and sealed properly as per the routine and it will keep blessing your bathroom with a warm earthly glow for decades.

Looking to buy marble, granite, or travertine? Visit ShadesOfStone.com, one of the trusted stone tile stores is US, today!
