Prefabricated Vs Customized Shower Surround

People invest a lot of time and money is designing their shower surround. Some use natural stones, many go with ceramic/porcelain tiles, and other choose mosaics and blends.

When you are working on shower surround design project, you basically have two options available after you have selected the type of material. These two options are – prefabricated shower surround units and custom designing with stones and tiles.

Prefabricated units are pre-designed stone/ceramic/glass walls that you can fit into your shower surround. On the other hand, customization allows you to design your space based on your preferences and requirements.

Here’s a comparison between the two –

Prefabricated Shower Surround Units

  • These ready to install units come to your doorstep in one or more pieces. There is a shower pan, one or more wall panel(s), tub, and shelves – depending on the design you choose.
  • You may not be able to take the one-piece unit into your home due to its size. And multi-piece units will require more of your time during installation.
  • One great reason these are popular is because of their low cost. One downside is – it does not allow you customization.

Building Shower Surround with Stones and Tiles 

  • This is a time taking job. You will need to follow your design idea, after creating substrate and placing underlayment sheet. Just for a reminder, you will need to wait until each step of tile installation cures and settles.
  • It is a DIY job, however, you will need to work with professional tile placers to achieve the expected finish.
  • It is more expensive than prefab units. But, it is easier to install, customize, and maintain.

Looking to buy stones and tiles for your bathroom? Consider, one of the trusted tile stores in US.

