Vinyl, Ceramic, and Stone Tile Flooring for Homes with Pet

Pets, when we adopt them, become an integrated part of our life. We build a tiny house for them, sleep and play with them, and even eat with them. The point is, your leave no stone unturned when it comes to pet care.

So, when you are considering a home remodel or planning to build a new home, which flooring material are you going to choose? Here’s a quick guide for homeowners to use vinyl, ceramic, and stone flooring when they have pet at their home–

Vinyl Tiles –

Modern luxury vinyl tiles are thick and stronger than previous generation’s vinyl sheet.  Your dog or cat cannot chew it just like that.

In fact, LVT is one of the best flooring materials for homes with pet. It is waterproof, stain proof, and scratch proof. And that’s what a homeowner wants his flooring to be!

Ensure regular and timely cleaning to maintain the shine and hygiene on your vinyl flooring.

Ceramic Tiles –

Ceramic tiles are hard and strong, and they are able to avoid scratches caused by pet claws. Moving forward, they do not have any pores on them, so there is no likelihoods of bacteria or odor on the floor – if you clean your ceramic tile floor proactively.

The best part is, ceramic tiles can be available in almost any color and effect you can imagine. So, there is a wide, really wide, range of options to choose from.

If installed correctly, ceramic tile flooring lasts for more than a decade.

Stone Tile –

There is a sea of options available in natural stones as well. From red, tan, and brown to white, cream, and black you can find natural stones in many colors as per your aesthetic sense.

These floors are highly strong and durable, and they can last literally forever, if maintained well. Thereby, your pets cannot cause any physical damage to stone flooring.

There are pores in the stone surface, and you will need to seal them routinely to maintain the look, shine, and strength of your natural stone floors.

This blog has been brought to you by, one of the trusted tile stores in US!

