How To Remove Stains Off White Tiles

A stain ruins the crisp and clean look of a white tile, but they are inherent to occur no matter how much you try to keep it clean. Accidents do happen and you cannot help it. 

But there are ways to remove the toughest stains and this article talks about those stain removal techniques. 

All purpose and non-abrasive cleaner and a little scrubbing may help remove stains but for specific stains try the following. Have a look below to know more in details.

Blood stains
Use diluted bleach or hydrogen peroxide to dab the blood stains off the white tiles.

Tea, coffee or juice stains

Wash the stain with hot water and detergent first before dabbing a little hydrogen peroxide to it with a soft sponge.

Tar, gum or wax
Use ice cubes in a plastic bag and place it on the material that got stuck on the tiles. When the material solidifies remove it with a stick. Remove the residue by using a paint thinner.

Dye or ink

Use diluted bleach with a cotton swab and place it on the stain until it disappears.


Scrub the stain with diluted ammonia.

These tips are helpful for removing tough stains that do not easily go away with mild scrubbing.

If you need classic white tiles for your walls and flooring, check out the shiny new collection of, one of the most trusted stone and tile supplier in the US.
