Can I Use Porous Natural Stone Tiles in My Bathroom?

One word answer to that is, YES. You can use natural stones in your bathroom. You can use them even for shower surround and tub surround.

This is one of the most frequently asked questions from our website visitors and Facebook followers.  The reason why people ask this question repeatedly is the porosity of stones.

Porosity of Natural Stones

Every natural stone has pores. Marble, granite, slate, and travertine – they are all porous. Despite that, you will surprised to know that natural stones are more popular bathroom flooring and walling option than ceramic and porcelain tiles.

Why? It is because they are a completely natural thing. There is nothing more natural you can use in your bathroom!

Another reason for the popularity of natural stones in bathroom is their gorgeous look. There is no match for their naturally occurring color variations and textures.

There are lots of benefits of using natural stones in bathroom, such as –

Lifelong Durability –

No other flooring or walling material is as durable as natural stones. If maintained well, natural stones typically last more than a lifetime. They stay as it is for decades.

Easy to Maintain –

Some people don’t agree to that, but it true. Natural stones are super easy to maintain. You just have to make sure soap foam, shampoo, oil, and water do not stay for longer duration on the floor. This issue can be fixed by creating a slope on the floor.

Apart from that, you have to seal the stone surface once every year. And that will help maintain the stone, increase its shine, and adds to its life and performance.

Hope you now understand why natural stones are a great choice for bathroom!

This blog has been brought to you by, one of the trusted stone tile stores in US.
